Archive for Month: July 2018

Integrity in Business and Life

We recently had a couple experiences that we wanted to share with everyone that remind us about the important things in life that we must not forget.

The experiences were so vastly different and provide a lesson for all of us, that I felt compelled to write about it.

As a business owner and homeowner, I just had two very different experiences with service companies. Like my own business, and in my own life, I have the opportunity to make the choice to put others in front of my own needs and desires; or not.

In business, looking after the needs of the customers first, is the difference between having great success as a business owner and failure. It is the same in life. We get more back when we give more.

“Only a life lived for others is worth living”

As a homeowner, I recently had an experience with a flooring contractor who clearly has not learned this lesson in his own business; or life. Once the contractor had our 50% deposit, things went downhill. He never showed up again to monitor the work of his employees or to check in with us. He only asked for more money before the work was even complete.  The work was sloppy, poor and rushed in order to get on to the next job and check.In fact, it was everything you would not want from someone who comes into your home to perform a job.

The job that was promised to take a week, took a month. Multiple tiles and grout will need to be replaced but my wife and I are so adamant about the contractor never entering our home again, that we will have to carry the burden of additional expenses and time to make it all right.

The mass left behind was substantial. We had grout up the steps, on our walls, cracked grout, broken tiles and a generally very poor job st our feet (literally). We felt taken advantage of and that our money was stolen from us; money we had worked hard for. It was, in a word, a nightmare.

This contractor and the attitude he brought to the table, had no place in the services industry “helping” people complete a project they’d dreamt about. he had the totally wrong attitude which was that of a “taker”. He was not in the business of taking care of his customers first and foremost. he was in the business of “me”.

On the other hand, our business recently went through some renovations and we were in need of upgrading and updating our offices. In the limo business, not many customers really come by to see us. Ww go to them. But from time to time, a potential customer will come by to pick out a vehicle or see what we have, and it gives us a chance to get to know them and find out what they want for their special event.

For this reason, and a few others, we decided to do some much needed upgrades which required some electrical work. Through or own due diligence, we found a local Fort Lauderdale electrician. We needed his expertise to navigate in an area we know little about and he did an amazing job.

The owner takes pride in his work and puts the needs and desires of the customer first and foremost. He asks questions that delve into the exact things that the customer wants and how he can provide great service to them. He is in a word, in business to “serve”. He completes the project on time, on budget and in a manner that makes you feel blessed that you found such a person who you can recommend to your friends and family without hesitation. A week later, the other company and the “taker” was out of business while my wonderful electrical contractor, the “giver”, will continue to flourish for years to come simply because he approaches his business and life with the attitude of a “giver”. It makes all the difference.

These two experiences were so different it is hard to imagine both entities exist within the same city. One is a giver, the other is a taker. It is a lesson for business and for life. Look to help others first and good things will come back to you.

It is a lesson for all of us and an easy way to start each day with the question:

“Will I be a giver or a taker today?”

I thought this story was worth sharing with all of you today and I hope it helps you in your day to day life both as a human being and a business owner.

Be a giver.